Once again, I am going to word vomit all of my notes from class. Because I really want to be able to share this week with everyone. Basically it is amazing, so try to bear with how scattered it is!
So.. this may offend some people, or really rock your paradigm. But please don’t get offended.
- God is not in control of things on the earth. –
Gen:1:28 – God gives mankind authority in the earth. God has authority in the earth also, but He gave control to us. If God was in control would there be sickness, crime, poverty, abortion, sex trafficking, or abuse? No. If we believe that God is in control of our planet, then why would we have any passion to change the earth? Yes, all power belongs to God, but He gave us control over the earth. Why do you think the battle is over mankind? Whoever is influencing mankind is controlling the earth because mankind decides which direction the earth goes.
We were made to control the earth supernaturally. But not out of anger or forcefulness, but out of love. And by our supernatural compassion people will be drawn in to worship the living God.
We are called to replenish the earth and subdue the enemy. Bu the recent western church has been so angry with the world for living in sin that we have been trying to subdue the people of the earth and by doing that we were replenishing the enemy.
Hebrews 10:10-13 --- Christ sanctified us ONCE for all time, and since then He has been sitting on the right hand of God, waiting in expectance for His enemies to be made a footstool under His feet! We have to realize that we are so important! But you also have to understand how much He loves you or you will become too overwhelmed with the pressure. You have to understand that God wants to use you regardless of your flaws. He sees your tripping, stumbling obedience and He loves it!
We have been teaching people how to act like Christians instead of being Christ-like. We are teaching people how to live in a culture of concealment, how to act instead of exposing the problems so that someone can help. Because we’ve been taught that having sin issues is bad, no one will admit it. But by keeping it inside, in the dark, you are permitting it to cultivate.
We are supernatural by divine birth. We may say “well, I don’t feel supernatural” because we feel that we have to do enough good in the natural, be religious enough before we become supernatural. But that is false! We were born supernatural! “The Spirit and the Bride say Come!” but “creation is longing for the sons and daughters of man”. The greatest thing you can do for the planet is to walk in your supernatural anointing because it is GROANING for us! We need to no longer be simply doers of good, but be containers of God.
Don’t pray and worship to get somewhere with God. Pray and worship recognizing that you ARE with God. He is in you and you have been placed in His Heavenly Throne room.
That was alot... sorry.. but please pray over some of this stuff. It's changing my life. God is so good.
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