Wow.. week 1 was amazing, and I can only imagine what this next week is going to bring. Luckily we had a recap on Friday, so now I atleast have some sort of idea on how to summarize last week!
Monday was a day of destroying our old foundation so that we can start over on the foundation of Christ. Kind of breaking our old patterns of religion that have kept us trapped. It was really good. Tuesday was what I had written about previously, the day of surrender. It was just realizing our need for surrender, because intimacy without surrender is not intimacy at all. Also we talked about how we need to be completely leaning in to our Lord so that when he turns left, we turn left. In the light of what we are inheriting, we are not really surrendering anything! Wednesday was really talking about how we are the sheep who need to rest in our dependency of the Lord, the shepherd. And resting in the season we are in and also just resting in the arms of Jesus. Thursday was talking about having a disciplined intimacy. Really learning how to posture our lives to where we will walk with Him every day. Learning how to get out of the "microwave mindset". Intimacy with God is a long term thing, and it takes time. Just like building an earthly relationship.
So yeah.. that's kind of a recap of our first week. This week we have an INCREDIBLE speaker. His name is Ivan Roman and he is awesome! I'm so excited, it's going to be so so good.
This weekend my friends and I all hitch hiked to an awesome beach! It is SOOO beautiful. Here's a picture.
We find out outreach locations tomorrow or Wednesday. God is so good and I can't wait to meet my small group! I'll let you know.
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