The past month or so God has been basically shutting a ton of doors in my life. Study abroad, working at a camp, traveling Europe, summer job. Just alot of stuff hasn't been working out. I've always had a desire to do a missions school or biblical training school, but my parents wouldn't let me do ywam after highschool before college (which was good because it wasn't the Lord's timing). Anyways, so two Mondays ago I was thinking about my summer and school and everything. And I just thought to myself, "I'm just going to do YWAM next semester. It's something I've always wanted to do, but never thought possible. and I'm just going to do it." So I had a peace about it.. for about 20 minutes. And then I started thinking logically and realized that it would be nearly impossible and way too complicated. Specially since it's $10,000. And in 6 weeks. So I easily brushed aside the idea and tried to move on. But God laid it on my heart so hard. I couldn't stop thinking about it. So on Thursday I came home from class and just cried and prayed for probably two hours on my bed. I was going through all the reasons that I shouldn't do it, and I realized that they were all really selfish. Basically all centered around how complicated it would be for me. So I was like, "okay God, I'll try to see if this is even possible in such a short time frame. And if you don't want it to happen, close the doors. And I know You can because you've been doing it alot lately."
So I started trying. And in 48 hours I found that all of my classes could be taken over the summer or during other semesters (bc its my last gen-ed semester), my scholarships can be deferred, my boss will hold my internship and not replace me, I didn't get slated into an executive position in Chi-O (which would have forced me to stay), and BOTH of my parents are supporting me. So God blew my mind, and I applied. It took them 22 hours to send me an acceptance letter, when they had told me it would be 5-7 days. And my boss and her husband, before I even knew if I was accepted bought my flight to and from Kona, Hawaii on his frequent flyer miles. It has been the CRAZIEST week and a half of my LIFE!
So now I am trying to raise 10k... I know if I am supposed to go, God will provide. It's just nerve-racking and really overwhelming. I'll be spending 3 months in Kona doing my lecture phase of just digging deeper into the Word and growing in the spirit. And then 3 months on an outreach. I don't know where my outreach will be yet. You pray about where you feel the Lord is calling you. Some of the places are the Netherlands, Turkey, and Israel. I am SO excited to see everything that the Lord is going to do!
Let the fundraising begin!
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