Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Next Step

As many of you know, over the past 6 months I have fallen madly in love with my Savior. He has entirely won my heart and will forever possess it. After all, He is and always will be the ultimate father, leader, and romancer. He loves me just because He does, and nothing I can do will ever change that! How could I not love Him back? How could I not give my entire life to bringing Him glory? So of course, I have given him my plans for the future. It is all in His hands now. In February I started hearing the Lord speak to me about what He wanted me to do after those 6 months of DTS, but if any of you know me relatively well, you'll know that I have to be utterly convinced before I will do something out of my comfort zone. And of course God knows me better than anyone, so He knew He would have to tell me what He wanted me to do next at least 10 times before I would agree. Which is exactly what He did.

Over a course of 3 months, the Lord endlessly asked me to return to YWAM to do a secondary school called the School of Revival. It is another 6 month program that will be focussed on deeper intimacy with Jesus as well as revival history. We will each have a social injustice, region, country, or people group that the Lord has placed on our hearts to pray for during the 6 months and will be doing reports and a final thesis as to how to bring the presence of God to that place or how to reach that people group, etc. The first 3 months will be in the classroom, and the last 3 will be on another outreach.
Although it does scare me to not be going back to college right away, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is what the Lord has asked me to do. And i know that being in the Will of God is the safest place to be! Hopefully I will be back at Oklahoma State in January, but that too is up to the Lord. I have come to a place a realizing that my life really doesn't belong to me.. it is the Lord's to do with as He pleases. I know that my happiness will forever be found in my Beloved... and I really will follow Him to the ends of the earth.

Your prayers are so greatly appreciated, and do more than you could ever know! I am so thankful for all of your support in what I am doing. However, I want to ask that if anyone is willing to support me financially, I would be so entirely thankful! I am needing to raise $10,000 for housing, food, classes, books, and outreach expenses. I know that the Lord will provide though! If you do feel that you would like to contribute to my mission, I have a paypal "Donate" link on the upper left-hand side of this blog. It is completely secure and is used by many non-profit organizations and missionaries. This is a much easier way than paper checks, and even the littlest bit helps so, so much!

Thank you so much for following me as I continue with spreading God's love to people all over the world, and I hope that you will pray about supporting me!

I love you and pray that God will bless you and your families!

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